You can cancel your contract within 14 days without giving reasons in written form (eg letter, fax, e-mail) or – if the goods were delivered before the deadline – by returning the item revoked. The time limit begins after receipt of this instruction in writing, but not before receipt of goods by the consignee (in case of recurring deliveries of similar goods not before receipt of the first partial delivery) and also does not fulfill our obligations under article 246 § 2 in connection with § 1 paragraph 1 and 2 draft law and our obligations under § 312g paragraph 1 sentence 1 BGB in conjunction with article 246 § 3 BGB. In order to meet the cancellation time limit it is sufficient to send the withdrawal or the goods in time.

The withdrawal or return must be sent to:

c/o Oliver Schwarz
Ahornweg 9
89331 Burgau
Phone: +49 (0)8222 9652622

Right of Withdrawal does not apply for:

* delivery of goods specifically manufactured for customers, or that are personalised in any other way, or goods that are not able to be returned.
* delivery of Audio- or Videorecordings, or Software, in case the delivered data carrier has been unsealed. * delivery of Newspapers, Magazines and Pamphlets

Withdrawal Implications

In case of a valid return any performance received by both parties are to be returned, as are benefits derived from such performance (eg. interest). If you can not return the performance entirely or partially, or only in a declined condition, you must pay compensation for the value in this respect as the case may be. This does not apply if the deterioration is due exclusively to inspection of the goods – as it would have been possible to the consumer for instance in the retail shop. The consumer can avoid the compensation of value by not using the goods like a proprietor and omitting everything which impairs their value.
Goods which can be sent by parcel are sent at our risk. If the delivered goods correspond to the ordered goods, and if the price of the returned goods does not exceed the amount of 40 Euro or, in case of a higher price of the goods at the time of the withdrawal, if you have not reciprocated or partially paid as contracted, you bear the costs of the return. Otherwise the return is free of charge for you. Goods which can not be sent by parcel will be picked up at your place. Payments have to be refunded by the customer within 30 days. For you the period begins with sending off the notice of withdrawal or the goods, for us the period begins with its reception.

– Date: 06. December 2023 –